Archive | Demographics

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Shopping Mall

Four Demographic Trends Determining Retailers’ Future

Everybody in retail knows that their success depends on understanding the customer. And understanding the customer starts with understanding their demographics.Demographics is defined as statistical data describing a population or groups within it. As a result, demographic trends shape the future of the consumer market. Because those trends are linear and predictable, retailers can see […]

Meet the HENRYs: The Millennials that Matter Most For Luxury Brands by Pamela Danziger

Meet the HENRYs and the Brands They Love

Introducing the Millennial High-Earners-Not-Rich-Yet consumers with more money now and even more to come laterCalled “groundbreaking” and “well written, organized and presented” by Midwest Book Review, Pamela N. Danziger’s latest book, Meet the HENRYs: The Millennials that Matter Most for Luxury Brands, is about the next-generation consumers that every brand manager, marketer and retail executive needs to know […]

Jeep Wrangler

Who’s Buying Jeeps and Why? A Psychographic Case Study

Sports utility vehicles are on a roll, both in the high-end luxury car segment as well as in the mass-market. Further, the prices of mass-market SUV brands are rising while those of luxury SUV are dropping, narrowing the price gap between high-end and mass-market SUVs, according to a new report from Edmunds, the car buying […]

Luxury woman shopper

Should a Luxury Brand Take Political Sides? Why It Matters

In the current U.S. culture sharply divided right or left, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, most luxury brands generally don’t think much about the political leanings of their customers. They tend to be inclusive in order not to alienate affluent customers with either a conservative or liberal viewpoint. But that may have to change. […]

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Testosterone Is the Hormone that Drives Men Wild for Luxury

Consistently in my research with luxury consumers, I have found men more predisposed than women to luxury purchases. They typically spend more on luxury goods and services than women in Unity Marketing surveys and are more willing to own interest in luxury consumption in interviews and other qualitative research. I’ve attributed these gender differences in […]

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