Archive | September, 2018

Business Gifts & Gifting

The Big $125 Billion Business of Business Gifting

It’s that time of year when every man and woman  starts to think about gifts to give, and in the case of children, gifts to receive. It’s the same for people in business. They know the value of business gifting, as fellow contributor Ian Altman makes clear, “It’s always a good idea to show clients your […]

Jeep Wrangler

Who’s Buying Jeeps and Why? A Psychographic Case Study

Sports utility vehicles are on a roll, both in the high-end luxury car segment as well as in the mass-market. Further, the prices of mass-market SUV brands are rising while those of luxury SUV are dropping, narrowing the price gap between high-end and mass-market SUVs, according to a new report from Edmunds, the car buying […]